CPvM Calculator (Cost Per Viewed Thousand)
If you are trying to work out the CPvM of a campaign, use our handy CPvM Calculator below. We also help you to work out how many viewable ad impressions you have so you can use this to work out how much you can get from this ad pricing model.
Our CPvM Calculator will help you understand this pricing model better, by letting you experiment with different scenarios.
CPvM Calculator
Enter the stats you know below.
- Fill out any two of the metric boxes. Filling out all three will break the calculator.
- Don’t enter any special characters, such as £$!% etc.
- Results may be used for a benchmark. Entering optional info will show you a comparison of your results to the benchmark (when available).
↑ Enter your stats above and submit to get your results below ↓
Note: use our Viewability Rate Calculator to work out how many viewable impressions you have if you don’t already know.
What Does CPvM Mean?
Also known as vCPM. CPvM stands for Cost Per Viewed Thousand Impressions and means that a payout is triggered every time a thousand ads are viewed. The M means thousand as it is the roman numeral for 1,000.
CPvM is a variation of CPM in that when you pay on a CPM basis you are paying for every time a thousand ads are loaded. On a CPvM basis, however, the ad has to actually appear on screen (well at least 50% of it does for one second).
CPvM is also commonly referred to as Cost Per Viewable Impression (or occasionally viewable cost per thousand impressions). As you generally pay for ad campaigns once they are finished Cost Per Viewed Impressions makes the most sense.
CPvM Formula
The equation for CPvM (or vCPM) is:

CPvM = (Cost ÷ viewable impressions) x 1000
(it could also be expressed as: CPvM = (Cost ÷ ad impressions) x 1000 x % viewed)