Install Rate Calculator
We have provided a useful Install Rate Calculator below to work out your Install Rate as well as derive the number of clicks and installs you would need to get a specific Install Rate.
Feel free to experiment with different scenarios in order to help you better understand this metric.
Install Rate Calculator
Enter the stats you know below.
- Fill out any two of the metric boxes. Filling out all three will break the calculator.
- Don’t enter any special characters, such as £$!% etc.
- Results may be used for a benchmark. Entering optional info will show you a comparison of your results to the benchmark (when available).
↑ Enter your stats above and submit to get your results below ↓
What Does Install Rate Mean?
The Install Rate of an ad campaign is how many clicks on an ad lead to an installation of an app. It is mainly used to optimise CPI (Cost Per Install) campaigns on smartphones.
Install Rate Formula
The Install Rate equation is:

Install Rate = (Installs ÷ Clicks) x 100