Introducing Outcome based buying, where we can move away from the standard buying model, to one that focuses on performance metrics. Before that, let's walkthrough the traditional CPM buying model that we're all used to. CPM has been the only transaction mode for Programmatic for the longest time. That is because OpenRTB - the technology that powers most Programmatic campaigns - only supports CPM. So, for any platform or vendor to provide an alternative transaction mode such as CPC/CPV or outcome based buying as it’s termed, they must take on the risk of buying in CPM, optimizing to a desired outcome, and selling it at the committed rate. Traditionally, in order to buy media based on performance: there are 2 categories within the outcome based buying model: 1. Transparent self-service end-to-end campaign management 2. Non-transparent managed service With DV360 entering the Outcome Based Buying market, it is huge news as it signals the maturity of Programmatic buying. At the same time, it forms a 3rd category of a transparent self-service platform that doesn’t control the end-to-end process of buying & selling ads. Read on to learn more about DV360's outcome based buying.
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